Injection Molded Coaster
Injection Molded Coaster
ME325 Spring 2023
ME325 Spring 2023
Two-shot injection molding project. I CNCed the molds and did all the injection molding myself. Took multiple iterations due to flaws in the equipment. Fusion analysis used extensively to simulate the flow of material through the part.
Two-shot injection molding project. I CNCed the molds and did all the injection molding myself. Took multiple iterations due to flaws in the equipment. Fusion analysis used extensively to simulate the flow of material through the part.
Final Product
Final Product
This was a class project for an injection molding class at Stanford. I have included a link to the final project slides I created for that project. They provide a detailed analysis of the process, challenges, and results.
This was a class project for an injection molding class at Stanford. I have included a link to the final project slides I created for that project. They provide a detailed analysis of the process, challenges, and results.